Extreme Movie Reviews

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (FULL REVIEW)

Movie Review

June of 2020: I revealed my ranking of the entire Friday the 13th franchise and we covered my favorite (part VI) and least favorite (part VII) movies on that list.

June of 2021: I began our journey, start to finish, of the franchise by reviewing parts I and II.

June of 2022: We took a trip to the third dimension with part III.

June of 2023: The franchise comes to an end w/ "The Final Chapter"... or does it?

Enter Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. The franchise takes a stab at an epic conclusion by hiring a big name actor like Corey Feldman, nabbing up a big up and coming star in Crispin Glover and, securing the talents of Kimberly Beck who, surely, was a recognizable face at the time.

Generally, "The Final Chapter" is regarded as the height of the franchise - so, it would appear their epic conclusion was a success. Do I feel the same?

I''ll cover this movie from every aspect in this review and following are the Time Stamps for each section:

Intro & Trailer
About the Movie & Do I Recommend it? - 0:03:40
RT & IMDB Ratings - 0:09:43
Internet Reviews - 0:12:08
Walk-Through - 0:23:08
Favorite Scene - 0:49:53
Technical Ratings - 0:50:38
Interesting Facts - 1:09:19